Billet Homes


The Twelve Week Camp ‘Billet Family’ Program plays a major role in our player's success both on and off the ice. It takes special people to open their homes and hearts to our players and we take the utmost care to ensure our players are placed in environments that are conducive to care, understanding and safety.

We ask that our players be treated like any other member of the 'Billet family'. It is important that the player respects the rules of his host family and the host family respects the rules of the hockey club. The values and principles for success that are essential to become a member of the camp will be demanded at the rink, in the home, in the community and in school.

When possible, players will be placed into a house that is walking distance from the rink, gym and training facilities.


Billet Families

The Twelve Week Spring Camp is now accepting host family applications for the 2014 spring. These are special families whom open their doors to young men training in the program; providing them with a safe living environment for their durations of the spring. For many of our players, this will be the first time they left home. The Camp makes it a priority to find the best possible homes in the surrounding area for our players to have success on and off the ice. 

The player must adhere to all camp rules and to the house rules of the billet family. He must respect all family members. To cover food expenses; players must pay the billet family $500/month to be paid on the first day of the month. 

The host family is asked to provide the player with a room of his own. In addition, the billet family needs to provide the player with three meals a day. If the player is not home for the evening meal then the billet family is asked to grant him access to the kitchen to prepare a meal for himself. 

These families must first apply to our program coordinator. If their application meets a team standard, the family then goes through several interview stages. Only after this process does a family have the chance to billet players. Our interview process for selecting these families ensures our players will be in a safe and secure home environment. 

For those families interested in becoming a billet family, please contact Johan Lundskog at